Nothing beats the smell of a petrol in the morning. Especially when its bellowing out the arse end of a British leyland. What the hell has happened to engineering? Rarely do I see a contemporary motor that emits such elegance and beauty as did the Leyland range (not so much the metro.)
I've recently come to a crossroads in terms of buying a new car. Do I go for a Fiesta or a Corsa, just like everybody else would? Cheap parts and good reliability? Or sacrifice that and spend the same on a Leyland? Actually drive a car that wants to be driven, for 30 miles at least.
Auto Trader has become my Mekkah over recent weeks. Budget...£750. What will it get me? 1972 Austin Mini 1250 gt? Out the question, they are like goldust. Triumph Dolomite? Essentially a pint sized Cadillac that wouldn't look out of place in the parking lot of a 50's diner. Rust bucket, not worth the cash. Which got me thinking...what about a Morris Marina? All the bad press Top Gear has given it means nobody can sell them. I quickly narrowed down my search and discovered they were available in abundance.
Who cares if they handle like a "skip on wheels?" Have you sat in one Mr Clarkson? Its like a time warp. I booked a viewing on one as soon as I could.
I found one just 12 miles away. 1978, 1.3 hatchback...perfect. The excitement and anticipation as I travelled to view it was unbearable. Shropshire had been frost ridden for over a month and today was no exception, so I had my doubts as to whether the thing would even start.
One look at the little beast and I fell in love. Mustard yellow, mint interior and a completely rust free engine bay.
I put the key in the ignition and twisted....nothing. I tried again....nothing. I could feel my heart sinking, one more time...twist the key...nothing. Looking blankly at the owner I felt as though my dream car was just out of reach.
"You've gotta pull the choke out mate."
A choke? Now this is motoring. Pulling the lever with glee I twisted again and the roar from beneath me was truly magnificent. Everything was beautiful. The finish on the dash, the huge steering wheel, the grill reminiscent of a Mustang, why would anyone want to buy a Corsa?
He took me for a spin. Almost everybody we drove past turned their heads in ore (or maybe in embarrassment) of the Marina. This IS my destiny, I have to have this car, I don't care if I've got to get Falmouth and back, this is the one.
As the engine bumbled down back at the garage, I knew we had to talk money.
"Whats the least you'll take?"
Once again my heart sank. Okay Mitch, haggle.
"Can we meet in the middle? say£850?"
For fear of crying , I had to walk away. My heart was broken...a broken man. A Corsa it is.
But Ill say this, next time your thinking of buying a car... don't go for the Fiesta, or the 106... take a chance on a true classic... a British Marvel...The Morris Marina.
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